A bodyguard for personal protection is one of the options that are available when a threat is imminent.We can guarantee a short time of appearance, around the clock, if the situation demands it. Our work is performed in close co-operation with the police and other authorities. All our services derive from a risk analysis which in turn determines how the protection is exercised around the principal. The protection can be dormant and thus be activated if the need arise.

We offer a variety of training programs; from a general, basic level up to anti-terrorist training. Our training programs are both relevant to persons with prior bodyguard training who are looking to obtain a special competence, and to other security personnel who are looking for further training. We also train persons with no prior experience but with enthusiasm and talent for the bodyguard profession. Our training programs are held all around the world and among our clients are for instance hotels or companies who want to train their staff or an individual to become a competent bodyguard.

The Close Combat System comprises techniques that enable the student to survive and operate in stressful confrontations at close range. The Close Combat System covers the whole spectrum of violence, from pure combat situations to self-defense and lawful authority using violence or verbal skills. Using his skills (= the result of his training), the student should win a combat situation, decide the necessary use of force as well as simply to avoid a confrontation by using tactics/strategy, and techniques and act correctly in a polite but assertive manner.
We work with various forms of transportation security. It may include transportation of VIPs between airports and hotels, embassies, meetings, or long trips by plane, train, or bus. In addition to protecting people, we can also carry valuables that need extra protection.

focus lies in surveillance and protection. We will instruct the driver how to act and drive in a transport.
We also provide training for your security staff, so that you are able to manage your local transportation.
Protection under transport
We provide secure transport; escorting VIPs between for instance an airport and a hotel. We also provide protection for valuable objects under transport.
Protection of politicians and diplomats…
Our bodyguards have undergone special training in the situations arising around politicians and diplomats. We have of course obtained all the necessary permissions required to give the principal the best imaginable protection against both national and international threats.
High-risk zones
We are specially trained for providing protection in high-risk zones. This includes presidential protection, kidnapping, hostage situations, and terrorist threats.
A dignitary of celebrities…
If you are a celebrity, a VIP, or for any reason are in need of protection we can help you feel safe. We are accustomed to situations involving media and crowds of people.
Family Protection at home and while traveling
If your family needs protection we will handle it. Our bodyguards are trained to act discretely and blend in with the environment. We will protect you at home, in your everyday life, and on vacation.